The OHBM 2013 Local Organizing Committee (LOC) announced the HBM Hackathon, a meeting-long analysis and resource building competition designed to accelerate the connection between open neuroscience and cloud computing.
With support from the Allen Institute for Brain Science, Amazon Web Services, and numerous other contributors, the 2013 meeting in Seattle will include an integrated hack room and associated cloud-computing contest called the HBM Hackathon. The contest will be organized around three Challenges, two of them pre-announced and open to work in advance of the meeting; and one announced at the time of the meeting. Cooperative “hackathon” activity outside of the contest is also encouraged.
Integrating ideas from the BrainHack in Leipzig, the spirit of the hackathon is to encourage participation across developers and users alike and will utilize social channels (
Google+) to collate a group of enthusiasts interested in advancing brain imaging resources by producing more accessible data, more efficient computing and more informative visualization.
The hackathon will include a venue on the main poster/exhibit floor space, and prepared cloud-accessible data and software. These resources will be available to participants beginning two months ahead of the meeting, with in-kind support from Amazon Web Services in the form of $100 in cloud computing credits that will be made available to all registered HBM Hackathon participants attending OHBM 2013.
Although access to certain resources (e.g., Amazon credits, Github private repo) requires OHBM registration (at least one member per team), the Hackathon itself is open to anyone interested.
For more details see the Hackathon Blog:
Register here:
http://humanbrainmapping.org/hackathonLike this:
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